
Guest Photographer

You may have noticed that I changed the pictures on my “Cats and Dogs in Inōkashira Park” log and that the new pictures are much better than the previous ones. If not, have a look now, especially because I know most of you are here for the pictures, not my writing.
One more reason for you to read THIS, as it is introducing my guest photographer on this blog: Paul Leeming. He also took the picture of me and my seal, and I’m sure I will be using more of his pictures as they will increase the visual quality of my blog considerably.
As opposed to myself, Paul actually knows a lot about technology and its use in creating visual and audiovisual art. He also HAS the technology and the skills to do it. Here you can see him with his camera with its big image stabilisation lens, which is only part of his bigger set of accessories.
Taking photographs is not his only talent. He is also a film maker. In the summer, he will become the proud owner of a Red One digital cinema camera which he plans to use as well as rent out to expand on his existing film business. His two sci-fi short films “Eve” and “Birth” will be on Australian TV this month, and have been accepted into the National Science Fiction Convention in Melbourne in June.
So if any of this has made you curious, and you want to know more about Paul and his work, see his films, rent out his camera, or work with him in any other way, please let HIM tell you more and have a look at his website at http://www.visceralpsyche.com , yeah?

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